No, I have not stopped on this huge tirade about AI. This time, I am going to use something else to convince you why we need to stand against these stupid advancements on generative AI. This will be another tirade post, but this also has some arguments and some context for what could happen in the future if you do not stand against this (before you start thinking, no, the argument isn’t that stupid myth that AI is a threat to all humanity).

Your job is likely replacable

Okay, not every job is truly replacable by AI, but in the eyes of a sociopathic corporation (if you consider corporations people), the employers are easily replacable for AI, especially since AI doesn’t strike, and they just do their job, no quiet quitting, nothing stupid. How can a company resist that kind of corporate heaven? Yes, AI isn’t directly causing this, but the people advancing generative AI are indirectly causing this to possibly become reality, a reality where most humans are out of jobs, and only the masters of their craft can get anywhere without being destroyed by AI in terms of quality and speed.

You need an opinion on the matter

SERIOUSLY, having no opinion may as well be saying that AI Art or anything that isn’t generated by AI is not stealing (which it is, since AI can only mimic stuff). When you have no opinion, you are just giving more room for the people with more power to say what they wish, which is the sociopathic corporations with tons of money trying to keep this bandwagon popular with the general public.

I am saying this as someone who generally doesn’t like to take sides, but that mainly is because it doesn’t directly affect me if I don’t take a side. This time, there is a lot at stake, and a lot that can directly affect me if I don’t take a side.

Only these people benefit

There is the saying of “When the rich wage war, it is the poor people who die” in these situations. This is looking more and more true by the day, especially due to the fact that the billionaires are sort of waging a war against multiple governments across the western world. This may not be the kind of war with trenches or tanks or any direct fighting, but more in the style of lobbying and monetary forms of war, helping to enact laws that keep them in power, and especially prevent the poor from becoming anything more than what they already are (not even just poor people, it extends to anyone who isn’t in the top 10%).

Even AI developments are only aiding the rich when you consider the amount of water generative AI consumes: about 500 milliliters every 5 to 50 prompts, now multiply that by about 20 million to get the weekly consumption (nearly 10 million liters, or over 2 million gallons of water per week!). That amount used in just one week can hydrate so many people, and yet it is used for projects that are already beginning to reach the point of diminishing returns. If you want more details on how AI uses up too much water, then watch this video, it has way more research than I could care to do, so I would watch this rather than listen to my rambling.

The only thing holding us back is this

Starting some time ago, companies decided to try a new strategy I like to call modern feudalism. This strategy is where employers turn down the salary just right to get workers to barely get by, but still feel like they have something left to lose. The one thing they mainly have left to truly lose is their job, mainly because they make the job lucrative enough to get by and put food on plates, but not enough to do anything bigger than that. This effectively means people become docile and compliant because people are afraid of losing something they fought desperately to get.

All that happens while the employers and CEOs pocket the rest once profits come along, so that the higher class have more power to protect more things, while the lower class get less stuff with less power to protect it. This also is what I believe causes bosses and companies to complain why workers get mad for companies paying a TERRIBLE wage for the industry they work in. Of course, the employers put the blame on workers not wanting to work, except they fail to reflect and see that they are just massive c___s (I’ll let you decide which c-word to use) and pay what may as well be a minimum wage to workers and expect overtime with no pay just because someone else left.

Well, AI again doesn’t rebel or do any of the bullshit employers claim the workers do. They just do their job and that’s all, nothing more, nothing less. Now again, this is a terrible idea for most jobs, since AI can only mimic what has already been done, nothing new, so creative jobs are completely going to fail with AI as workers. So, it is either you potentially get replaced for a nonhuman worker, which could potentially SUCK at their job, or you fight to keep your job, or you are lucky and your job is safe.