I know that I doomscroll a lot, to which I have especially been doing a lot of recently, but it really feels like we, as humanity have remembered nothing from our history, and are beginning to repeat it yet again. I did kind of say this in a post that I deleted because I felt that it became a bit too aggressive towards the targeted readers, even though I will forever stand by the arguments I made (A Felon should never be allowed to run for U.S. President, no exceptions). Like, did we really choose to forget nearly 100 YEARS after this happened? Did we really choose to forget and not learn to prevent fascism from getting more people killed again? I know so many people will probably say no or choose not to listen to me because I might be indirectly calling them stupid, but I just want people to LOOK at what is really happening, or do some research, reading some articles that are not reinforcing your own beliefs.

One Fascist State is One Too Many

And more than one fascist state is just asking for war. With the US getting a president that will happily sign any law that would make Project 2025 real and turn America fascist (except he wouldn’t know what these laws are because he is a senile orange). Even if I ignore the US, there are parties like AfD in Germany, or Russia and China’s whole government (China is techically a communist state, but it runs much more like a fascist state). Of course, nearly all of these political parties or countries hate Muslims, which I just think became the new scapegoat group for fascists out of nowhere (okay, maybe it is because of the terrorist attacks, but those are only extreme cases). This hatred of muslims is basically just like what the Nazis did to the Jews during the Holocaust (I guess there will be a second holocaust, considering Mr. Felon in the US will donate weapons to Israel to carpet bomb Gaza).

One Genocidal Nation-state is WAYYY too Many

Yes, I am talking about Israel, though I hate talking about this damn debate. Just seeing a genocide in the Gaza Strip is not what the modern world wants, after we spend agonizing years trying to stop genocidal nation-states from coming to power yet again, except the US is just a sugar daddy to Israel, so they cannot just let Israel rightly get pushed back by the Muslims.

Well, time to hope nothing worse happens

knock on wood There are some times where my atheist mind will start praying for miracles to happen, this most likely will be one of the times, especially since nobody is safe from a fascist being elected in the US. No matter where they are, they are not safe, they will be effected by the election results. One of my friends says that maybe nothing will happen after the election, which is what I pray will be the case. knocks on wood

Though, the republican party has a majority in basically every part of the US government, the house, the senate, and the supreme court. So, they basically have infinite power in the US to do what they wish, and can make provisions to keep them in power forever if they want. America is such a fake republic, and it has been for hundreds of years, ever since the electoral college was built (thanks Hamilton, you made this happen).

Remember people, power corrupts, and abosolute power corrupts absolutely.